PIASTM is a therapeutic technique that uses specific “Accel Tool – Accelerate Healing” on children to promote mobilization of restricted tissue to increase flexibility, to increase range of motion, to reduce contractures as well as and for a management for tactile defensiveness in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

PIASTM Therapy is specifically designed for children diagnosed with any neurological conditions, genetic or congenital disorders.

This technique is specifically designed by world renowned: Kanu Kaushik, Paediatric Physiotherapist and he has been treating children and adults from various countries.

#PIASTM THERAPY activates the Remodelling & Realignment process of connective tissues and improves motor, sensory, and cognitive function of the body.

It helps in managing the spasticity in the overactive muscles and in reducing Contracture from day 1 of the PIASTM therapy hence improving flexibility in Children with Cerebral Palsy.



Check This Out, The results of PIASTM Therapy and how it is providing On-Spot Changes


Video Testimonials given by Parents regarding how effective PIASTM Therapy is.